Three generations of Turkish women through the literature of three turkish women novelist: Duygu Asena, Erendiz Atasü and Elif Şafak
Okul: | |
Akademik Ünvan: | |
Bağlı olduğunuz Kurum: | |
Yıl: | 2009 |
Format: | Yüksek lisans tezi |
Kategori: |
Çalışmayı indirmek için tıklayınız Çalışmayı izlemek için tıklayınız
Çalışmanın Özeti
The present thesis examines the modern Turkish woman images as depicted in the Literature of three modern Turkish women writers. More specifically it deals with the work of Duygu Asena, Erendiz Atasü and Elif Şafak. Three modern and pioneer writers, whose work have influenced many women in Turkey and abroad, since many of their books have been translated in several languages.
Three books have been chosen for this purpose, one book from each author; Duygu Asena's "Love was in the mirror"(Aynada aşk vardı), Erediz Atasü's "A midlife dream" (Bir yaşdönümü rüyası), Elif Şafak"s "The bastard of İstanbul" (Baba ve Piç). In each book the reader meets with three generation's women the grandmother, the mother, and the daughter- and observes the panorama of woman's status in Turkish society through the years. In the main part of the thesis there is a broad analysis of the figures of the nine Turkish women who consist the main characters of the three books. Later on there is a comparison between the characters of each age (grandmother, mother, daughter) and an attempt to examine whether the literary women heroines represent the real Turkish woman of three deferent periods of the modern Turkish history. (Özeti siteye yönlendrici: Nihan Dalbeler)