Tülay German
"It is not blood that pours from my veins, it is rebellion."
Date of Birth: 27/01/1935 1933
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Burial Site:
Field of Activity
"In my area there were women, my mother included, who were living the easy life, living off their husbands' wealth, never getting their hands dirty, stylishly dressed and carefree… İstanbul was full of women like this. But the woman in the folk song, "Burçak Tarlası" (Field of Tare), was a woman who worked hard in the fields.
And when she sang in the folksong "Look how many fields the village chief has!!" - she was demonstrating, without even being aware of it, that she had an instinctive political consciousness. And when she calls after him "I will burn down your house and pack up my things and leave!" she was also rebelling against the established order of things. I have always had a rebellious character, ever since my childhood, so I really sympathized with this village bride who was telling the boss what she thought of him.
I made a record in honour of Nazım Hikmet", did radio and television programmes, participated in many festivals. I gave numerous concerts in France and other European countries. I was at the height of my career as an vocal artist. Both my voice and me myself have matured over the years. Now is exactly the right moment to withdraw quietly, before my voice starts to lose its fullness, before my breath runs out,and my enthusiasm diminishes, before the fire inside me begins to die down, before I grow old and tired.. I have a concert in Holland tonight. Nobody knows that this concert will be my last one."
(Tülay German's last concert: Eindhofen, Netherlands, 1987)
Plates and Albums
Singles recorded in Turkey but not published- Summertime, Odeon, 1962
published later in: Tülay German '62 – '82 Burçak Tarlası; Kalan Müzik, İstanbul, 2001 and in SOUND OF LOVE, Kalan Müzik, 2007. - Senin Şarkını Söylüyorum, Odeon, 1962
published later in: Tülay German '62 – '82 Burçak Tarlası; Kalan Müzik, İstanbul, 2001. - Mutlu Günler, Odeon, kayıt tarihi 1962
published later in: Tülay German '62 – '82 Burçak Tarlası; Kalan Müzik, İstanbul, 2001.
Singles recorded and published in Turkey
- Burçak Tarlası / Mecnunum Leylamı Gördüm; Ezgi Plak, 1964
- Kızılcıklar Oldu mu? / Yarının Şarkısı; Ezgi Plak, 1965
Singles recorded and published in France
- Mara Eva (A – in French) / Mara Eva (B – in English); Ezgi Plak 1970
- Kumbaya / C'est Joli De S'aimer, Philips, 1968
- O Eski Günler / Sevmem Bir Daha, Philips, 1967
- Dere Geliyor Dere / Kara Kızın Türküsü, Philips, 1968
- Seni Alıp Kaçayım / Aras Üste, Buz Üste, Philips, 1968
Singles recorded in France
- Santa Maria / Pour Le Meilleur Et Pour Le Pire / Pardonne-moi / Garde-Moi, Bagatelle, 1967
- Santa Maria / Garde-Moi, Bagatelle, 1967
Singles recorded in France for international sales
- Kumbaya / Parler à La Pluie / C'est Joli De S'Aimer, Philips, 1968.
- La legende du Roi Sebastien / Cent Mille Millions, Philips, 1968.
- Soleil d'Hiver, Philips, 1968.
- Un Coin de Terre / Celui Qui Viendta Lundi, Philips, 1969.
- La Chanson de L'Oubli / Le Cœur D'Un Ange, Philips, 1969.
- Marie İsabelle / J'Avais Dix Petits frères, Philips, 1969.
- À Perdre Haleine, (Hommage á Janis Joplin) / L'Homme Est Un Bateau, CBS, 1972, (Tülay German used in this recording the pseudonym Tuly sand).
- Tract, (Longplay), Folkway Records, USA, 1975.
- Toulaï Et François Rabbath, (Longplay), Arion, France, 1980 (Grand Prix du Disque of the Académie Charles-Cros, 1981).
- Hommage à Nâzım Hikmet, (Longplay), Arion, France, 1981.
- Le Chant Des Poètes, CD, Arion, France 1998.
- Agitation, CD, Locust Music, USA, 2004.
- Yunus'tan Nâzım'a, CD, Kalan Müzik, Istanbul, 1999.
- Tülay German '62 – '82 Burçak Tarlası, CD, Kalan Müzik Arşiv Serisi, Istanbul, 2001.
- Sound of Love, CD, Kalan Müzik, Istanbul, 2007.
Tülay German's classics
- Mecnunum Leylamı gördüm
- Bana seni gerek seni
- Yiğidim aslanım burda yatıyor (Zülfü Livaneli ile birlikte)
- Yalan
- Köroğlu
Resources: Privatarchive of Tülay German
Tülay German as writer
Tülay German Erdemli Yıllar, Bilgi Yayınları, Istanbul, 1996
Tülay German, Düşmemiş Bir Uçağın Kara Kutusu , Rıfat Ilgaz Kültür Merkezi, Çınar Yayınları, Istanbul, 2001
Tülay German wrote articles between 1999 and 2002 for the culture magazine Adam Sanat.
Prize of the Académie Charles-Cros 1981, France (for the album Toulai et François Rabbath)
Robert College Üsküdar, Istanbul, graduation 1956
Private lessons: piano lessons with Ferdi Statser, Turkish folk music with Ruhi Su
Contributions to Society
Family and Friends
Projects in her Honour
Documantary film
Kor ve Ateş Yılları (Years of Fire and Cinders), Regisseurs: Didem Pekün, Barış Doğrusöz, 2010
Video clip of the film Kor ve Ateş Yılları (Years of Fire and Cinders)
Web site of Kor ve Ateş Yılları (Years of Fire and Cinders)
Music album
Burçak Tarlası 62-87, Kalan Müzik, İstanbul, 2001
Fan page
Facebook Tülay German
Further Reading
- Tülay German: Erdemli Yıllar, Eski Tas , 22.8.2011, http://eski-tas.blogspot.de/2011/08/tulay-german-erdemli-yillar.html
- "New Documentary Explores Life of Legendary Turkish Singer", hürriyetdailynews.com, 25.4.2010, http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=0416132015358-2010-04-16
- "Tülay German Ölümsüzleşti", Hürriyet, 17.4.2010, http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/id/25083089/
- Berivan Tapan, Tülay German Ölümsüzleşti, Bianet, 17.4.2010, http://bianet.org/biamag/kultur/121382-tulay-german-kor-ve-ates-yillari
- Cahit Binici, 'Kor ve Ateş Yılları' İstanbul Film Festivalinde, bakınız.com, 6.4.2010 http://www.bakiniz.com/tulay-german-kor-ve-ates/
- Murat Meriç, "Yıldızım'ın Belgeseli", Radikal, 3.4.2010, http://www.radikal.com.tr/Radikal.aspx?aType=RadikalEklerDetayV3&ArticleID=989574&CategoryID=41
- Hıncal Uluç, "Bir Tülay German Filmi", sabah.com, 3.4.2010, http://www.sabah.com.tr/Yazarlar/uluc/2010/04/03/bir_tulay_german_filmi
- Zeynep Oral, "Ses ve Yürek Yüceliği. İki Gencin Tülay German Belgeseli Dünle Bugünü Buluşturuyor", Cumhuriyet, 2.4.2010, http://www.zeyneporal.com/yazilar/2010/020410.html
- Olkan Özyurt, "Gençler Tülay German'ı Hatırlattı", 1.4.2010, sabah.com, http://www.sabah.com.tr/kultur_sanat/muzik/2010/04/01/gencler_tulay_germani_hatirlatti
- Burcu Yıldız, Fehmiye Çelik, "Şarkılar Bir Pusula Türkiye'de Popüler Müzik ve Kadın (1960-1980)", Boğaziçi Gösteri Sanatları Topluluğu, http://www.bgst.org/muzik/pro/45lik/45kitap_yazi2.asp
- Şehmus Güzel, "Yayla Çiçeği Kokuşlu Erdem'ime", Bianet, 14.7.2002, http://bianet.org/bianet/bianet/11455-yayla-cicegi-kokuslu-erdemime
- Murat Tunal, "33 Yıldan Beri Fransa'da Yaşayan Tülay German Sesiyle Geçmişe Götürüyor: O İlkti", Aktüel, 19.8 1991.
- "Tülay German", wikipedia.org, http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BClay_German
- Kor ve Ateş Yılları (Documentary), Regisseurs: Didem Pekün, Barış Doğrusöz, 2010
- Burcu Yıldız, Fehmiye Çelik, "Şarkılar Bir Pusula Türkiye'de Popüler Müzik ve Kadın (1960-1980)", Boğaziçi Gösteri Sanatları Topluluğu, http://www.bgst.org/muzik/pro/45lik/45kitap_yazi2.asp
- Murat Meriç, "Yıldızım'ın belgeseli", Radikal, 3.4.2010, http://www.radikal.com.tr/Radikal.aspx?aType=RadikalEklerDetayV3&ArticleID=989574&CategoryID=41
- Privatarchive Tülay German
- Düşmemiş Bir Uçağın Kara Kutusu, Çınar Yayınları, İstanbul, 2001.
- Tülay German '62 – '82 Burçak Tarlası, CD, Kalan Müzik Arşiv Serisi, İstanbul, 2001, Begleitbuch.
Source for visual images
- Privat archive of Didem Pekün
Translation into English: Faltinson Edmonton, Yeşim, Alberta, Canada, Çetin Alanya, Istanbul, Turkey Editing: Lyndall von Dewitz, Oberasbach, Bavaria, Germany ©2012 Meral Akkent