Vecihe Daryal
"You either play the zither perfectly or do not play it at all."
Date of Birth: 17/04/1908 1908
Place of Birth: Beylerbeyi, Istanbul
Date of Death: 12/11/1970 1970
Place of Death: Istanbul
Burial Site: Merkezefendi Cemetery, Istanbul
Field of Activity
"You cannot be a moderately good zither-player. You either play it perfectly or do not play it at all. Instrument players should not accompany singers only; they should also accompany the other players in their groups."
(Vecihe Daryal)
- 1928 Vecihe Daryal started her professional career as an artist employed by Istanbul Radio.
- 1938-1953 She was employed by Ankara Radio (zither player, teacher and member of the repertoire council)
- 1953 Istanbul Radio and municipal Conservatory (zither player, member of the executive council)
Audio examples
Hüzzâm Peşrev, Seyfeddîn Osmanoğlu
Acemaşiran Saz Semâisi, Gavsi Baykara
Vecihe Daryal plays her own composition in the Nişaburek mode
Vecihe Daryal received private education. She was accepted by Conservatory in Istanbul when she was 9 years old because of her special talents.
Veciha Daryal visied after conservatory Women's Teachers College in Istanbul and graduated on 26 December 1926.
Contributions to Society
Family and Friends
- Mother: (Information not available)
- Father: Abdülmeid Daryal (linguist)
- Friends: Mesut Cemil (musician, choir administrator, director of Ankara Radio, break drum virtuoso), Ruşen Kam (kemençe player), Cevdet Çağla (violonists, composer), Sadi Işılay (composer, violonists), Cevdet Kozanoğlu (singer) Yorgo Bacanos (lute player), Vecdi Seyhun (composer, cellist), Alaaddin Yavaşca (composer, singer, teacher of Turkish classical music, gynaecologist)
Commemorative Projects
Seminar to Honor Her Memory
The Turkish State Music Conservatory, Istanbul Technical University organized the "Zitherist Vecihe Daryal Seminar" to Honor the memory of Vecihe Daryal on the 8th of March 2011, Women's Day.
Vecihe Daryal Music Archive
Vecihe Daryal's musical collection can be found in the TRT archives.
Further Reading
- Oğuz Karakaya, "Yirminci Yüzyıl Türk Müziği'nde Kanuni Vecihe Daryal'in İcracılık ve Bestecilik Yönüne Örnek Olarak Bir Eserinin İncelemesi" 3. Uluslararası Bir Bilim Kategorisi Olarak 'Kadın': Edebiyat, Dil, Kültür ve Sanat Çalışmalarında Kadın Sempozyumu, Sunum, Konya, 28-30 Nisan 2010.
- "Vecihe Daryal", http://www.tahiraydogdu.com/kanun_icracilar.asp
- Selçuk Aytimur, "Vecihe Daryal", http://selcukaytimur.wordpress.com/
- İskender Özsoy, "Seksen Yıllık Alışkanlığımız", 5.8.2007, Türkiye gazeteciler Cemiyeti internet sitesi, http://www.tgc.org.tr/yazi.asp?gid=73
Quoted Sources:
- See section "Further Reading"
Source of Visual Images:
Translation into English: Faruk Kural, Istanbul, Turkey Editing:Lyndall von Dewitz, Oberasbach, Germany ©2012 Meral Akkent