Sabiha Bozcalı
Date of Birth: 1903
Place of Birth:
Date of Death: 1998
Place of Death:
Burial Site:
Field of Activity
In 1939 Sabiha Bozcalı was the first woman painter to go to the coal mines on the Black Sea coast and paint life as she saw it there. She was in Zonguldak, the city established as a port for the nearby coal mines, as a member of a special "Travelling Artists" programme, the aim of which was to send artists to different places in Turkey in order to bring artists and people together. In Zonguldak Sabiha Bozcalı painted industrial scenes such as electric power stations, iron and steel plants, machines and factories.
The titles of her paintings appear in the lists of the exhibitions in which she took part but the whereabouts of these paintings is now unknown. Private collections only include landscapes and still-life paintings by Sabiha Bozcalı.
Philharmonics Society, First solo exhibition
- 19224. Galatasaray Exhibition
- 1923 5. Galatasaray Exhibition
- 1925 7. Galatasaray Exhibition
- 1946 Beyoğlu Galerie, Istanbul, Solo Exhibition
Sabiha Bozcalı as illustrator
Sabiha Bozcalı worked as an illustrator of encyclopedias
and magazines and also for the Milliyet Newspaper in 1949.
Books illustrated by Sabiha Bozcalı:
- Jean de La Fontaine, La Fontaine Masalları, translated into Turkisch by Orhan Veli, 2 Vol., 1943
- Reşat Ekrem Koçu, İstanbul Ansiklopedisi, Istanbul, 1945
- Cahit Uçuk, The Turkish Twins, translated into English by Dorothy Blatter, Istanbul, 1956
- Nezihe Araz, Anadolu Evliyaları ve Yunus Emre, Istanbul, 1958
- Reşat Ekrem Koçu, Osmanlı Padişahları, Istanbul, 1960
- Reşat Ekrem Koçu, Forsa Halil, Istanbul, 1962
- Reşat Ekrem Koçu, Patrona Halil, Istanbul, 1967
- Reşat Ekrem Koçu, Kabakçı Mustafa, Istanbul, 1968
Society for Painters (Ressamlar Derneği)
Sabiha Bozcalı was educated privately and she took painting lessons from painter Ali Sami Boyar.
- Berlin: Atelier of the painter Lovis Corinth (in 1918, when she was 15 years old)
- Munich: Atelier of Prof. Karl Kaspar
- Paris: Atelier of Paul Signac
- Rome: Atelier of Giorgio di Chirico and worked with Severini and Massimo Campigli
Contributions to Society
Charter Member of Society for Painters (Ressamlar Derneği), Istanbul 1950
Family and Friends
- Mother: Handan Hanım (artist)
- Father: Rüstü Paşa (admiral)
- Grandfather: Memduh Paşa (Minister of Internal Affairs), Bozcaadalı Hasan Paşa (Minister of Maritime Affairs)
- Friends: Namık İsmail (painter), Pablo Picasso (painter), Fahrünnisa Zeyd (painter), Abidin Dino (painter), Cevat Dereli (painter), Turgut Zaim (painter), Zeki Faik İzer (painter)
Commemorative Projects
The archive of Sabiha Bozcalı was donated in 2014 to SALT Research Centre, Istanbul. In the same year SALT Research Centre established the "Archive of Sabiha Rüştü Bozcalı".
2015 - Exhibition "Painter Sabiha Rüştü Bozcalı"The exhibition "Painter Sabiha Rüştü Bozcalı" will be shown in SALT Beyoğlu, Istanbul, 15 December 2015 - 14 February 2016.
Please click here for the information about the exhibition.Further Reading
Mustafa Avcı, "Taha Toros Arşivi Açıldı! Ve dahi Bu Arşivden bir Sabiha Bozcalı İllüstrasyonu", mavciefendi.wordpress.com, 26.08.2015 (20.10.2015).
Reşat Ekrem Koçu'dan İstanbul çocuk portreleri, 5harfliler.com, 23. 4. 2013 (5.3.2015).
Reşat Ekrem Koçu'dan İstanbul Harikaları, 5harfliler.com, 2. 4. 2013 (5.3.2015).
Murat Bardakçı, "Reşat Ekrem'in Ansiklopedi Macerası", haberturk.com, 20.8.2010, (22.2.2012).
Esen Karadağ, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kadın Sanatçıların Resim öğretimindeki Rolü, Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Samsun, 2008, (22.2.2012).
Ayşegül Demirbulak, Çağdaş Türk Resminde Otoportreler, Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, Türk Sanatı Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, 2007, ( 22.2.2012).
Kıymet Giray, Türk Resim Sanatının Bir Asırlık Öyküsü, İstanbul, 2007
Anonym, "Sabiha Rüştü Bozcalı (1903-1987)", costak.blogspot, 2006, (22.2.2012).
Kıymet Giray, "Yurdu Gezen Türk Ressamları I 1939–1944 Yurt Sergileri", Türkiye'de Sanat, 18, 1995, S. 34–37.
Ülkü Özel Akagündüz, "Altın Fırçamızı kaybettik", Zaman Gazetesi, 21.4.1998, (22.2.2012).
"Sabiha Bozcalı", Ak Kadın Dergisi, 1985, Nr. 11.Sources
Quoted sources
- See section "Further Reading"
Source for visual images
The Istanbul Women's Museum is grateful to Burcu Pelvanoğlu for her support in producing the Sabiha Bozcalı introductory pages.