Neş'e Erdok
First woman painter to have a studio in the Academy of Fine Arts
"I am not of the opinion that painting can be taught. At the most, certain aspects can be pointed out."
Date of Birth: 1940
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Burial Site:
Field of Activity
"My time as a student was wonderful. True, some things were chaotic at the academy but there was also dynamism. The students questioned everything and really thought about things. About art and the art course, about social realism, about the question as to who paintings should actually be for.
Our professor Neset Günal impressed us first and foremost as a person and not because of his political views.That taught us a lot. And he never showed us any of his paintings. Throughout our whole time as students we never saw a single one. Actually people said we painted like him. But to avoid this very situation he never showed us his paintings. I first saw his pictures after I had finished my studies, after my stay in France. At the most we were influenced by his philosophy of life, his humanism, by the way he approached art and by his bearing as a person.
I don't know whether I was any good as a teacher, but I enjoyed the work. It is wonderful to be together with young students. It isn't just me who gives to them, they give to me too. In a studio the students influence each other more than they are influenced by their teachers. We even let ourselves be influenced by them too. I am not of the opinion that painting can be taught. At the most certain aspects can be pointed out."
(Neş'e Erdok) Hande Aktansoy, "Neş'e Erdok", lebriz.com, November 2006, access 31.5.2012.
(Selection)Solo exhibitions
- 1996 Galerie Art-Home Sanat, Mersin
- 1996 Galerie Nadya Sanat, İstanbul
- 1995 Galerie Urart Sanat, Ankara
- 1994 Yapı Kredi Galerie İzmir Sanat, İzmir
- 1994 Yapı Kredi Bankası Galerie Kemal Satır, Adana
- 1994 Yapı Kredi Bankası Galerie Kazım Taşkent, İstanbul
- 1993 Galeri Lebriz, İstanbul
- 1992 Galerie Artisan Sanat, İstanbul
- 1991 Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi, Haliç, İstanbul
- 1991 Galerie Urart Sanat , Ankara
- 1990 Galerie Urart Sanat, İstanbul
- 1986 Galerie Urart Sanat, Ankara
- 1986 Galerie Urart Sanat, Ankara
- 1984 Galerie Urart Sanat, İstanbul
- 1982 Galerie Vakko Sanat, Ankara
- 1981 Galerie Maçka Sanat, İstanbul
- 1977 Galerie Galeri Baraz, İstanbul
- 1974 İ.D.S.G.A. Galerie Osman Hamdi, İstanbul
- 1972 Maison des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Exhibitions with other artists
- 2007 Galerie Tunca Sanat, Artİstanbul 2007, İstanbul
- 2007 Galerie Evin Sanat, Artist 2007, Tüyap, İstanbul
- 1996 Galerie Evin Sanat, İstanbul
- 1995 Museum for Western and Eastern Art, Odessa, Ukraine
- 1995 Galerie Artium Sungur Sanat Evi, İstanbul
- 1994 Ausstellung Nazım, C.R.R., İstanbul
- 1993 Galerie Toprakbank Sanat, İstanbul
- 1992 Je-Turc-Ils, Mulhouse, France
- 1991 Galerie Lebriz, İstanbul
- 1990 Yapı Kredi Galerie Kazım Taşkent Sanat, İstanbul
- 1989 Galerie Urart Sanat, Ankara
- 1988 Galerie Destek Reasürans, İstanbul
- 1987 Galerie Tanbay Sanat, Ankara
- 1986 Galerie Sanfa Sanat, İstanbul
- 1985 Ausstellung Yeni Eğilimler, MSÜ, İstanbul
- 1983 Galerie Maçka Sanat, İstanbul
- 1982 Ausstellung Türk Resminde Figür ve Portre, Galerie Baraz
- 1979 "Sanat 78 Sergisi", AKM, İstanbul"
- 1978 Ausstellung Çağdaş Türk Resim Sergisi, Moscow, Baku, Soviet Union
- 1978 Ausstellung "Çağdaş İstanbul Resmi", Staatliche Kunstgalerie, Ankara, İzmir
- 1977 Ausstellung İ.D.G.S.A. Öğretim Üyeleri ve Yardımcıları Resim-Heykel Sergisi
- 1977 Galerie Tiglat Sanat, İstanbul
- 1975 XXXVI. Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisi, Ankara
- 1975Galerie Cumalı Sanat, İstanbul
- 1973 İ.D.G.S.A. Galerie Osman Hamdi, Ausstellung 90. Yıl Öğretim Üyeleri Sergisi
- 1973 VII. DYO Sergisi, İzmir
- 1970 Galeri d`Orly, Aéroport de Paris
- 1969 "Atelier Chaplain Midy", Cinema Studio 28, Paris
- 1966 Ausstellung MEB XXVII. Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisi, Ankara
- 1965 Quetrieme Biennale de Paris
- 1965 Ausstellung MEB XXVI. Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisi, Ankara
- 1964Ausstellung MEB XXV. Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisi, Ankara
Collections including works by Neş'e Erdok
(Selection)Rezan Has Müzesi, İstanbul
Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul
İstanbul Devlet Resim Heykel Müzesi, İstanbul
İstanbul Modern Sanat Müzesi, İstanbul
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, Kalifornien, USA
Examples of work by Neş'e Erdok
- 200616. Artist İstanbul Sanat Fuarı, Medal of Honor
- 1986 Sedat Simavi Vakfı, Medal of Honor (with Füreya Koral)
- 1981 Yurtta Sulh Cihanda Sulh 1981, Vakko, Resim Yarışması, Grand Prize
- 1980 14. DYO Resim Sergisi, Mansiyon
- 1979 Yeni Eğilimler Sergisi, Achievement Award
Primary school: Üsküdar Kaptanpaşa İlkokulu, İstanbul, Sarar İlkokulu, Ankara
Secondary schools: Erzincan Ortaokulu, Erzincan, Nikolaus-Cusanus Gymnasium, Bad Godesberg, Deutschland, Paşakapısı Ortaokulu, Üsküdar, İstanbul
Grammar school: Fıstıkağacı Kız Lisesi, Üsküdar, İstanbul
College: Akademie of Fine Arts, Istanbul, Studio Neşet Günal
Escuela Eutral de Idiomas, Madrid
Escuela Diplomética, Spanish Philology, Art History
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Ateliers Prof. Chaplain Midy and Prof. Pierre Matthey de Etang, Paris
Social Commitments
Family and Friends
- Mother: Semai Sanlı
- Father: Şinasi Erdok
- Brother: Saydam Erdok
Projects in her Honour
Further Reading
- Hüseyin Baloğlu, Neş'e Erdok ile roportaj, lebriz.com, 1. 11.2010 (31.6.2012).
- Ayşegül Demirbulak, Çağdaş Türk Resminde Otoportreler, Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, Türk Sanatı Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, 2007, http://www.belgeler.com/blg/15jh/cagdas-turk-resminde-otoportreler-self-portraits-in-contemporary-turkish-art .
- Hande Aktansoy, "Neş'e Erdok söylesişi, lebriz.com, 10/2006, http://www.lebriz.com/pages/artist.aspx?artistID=395§ion=555&lang=TR&periodID=&pageNo=0&exhID=0 (31.5.2012).
Quoted Sources
- See the "Further Reading" section
Source of Visual Images
The Women's Museum Istanbul is grateful to Burcu Pelvanoğlu for her support in producing the Neş'e Erdok introductory page.
Translation into English: Lyndall von Dewitz, Oberasbach, Germany ©2012 Meral Akkent