Melek Celal Sofu
Date of Birth: 1896
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Date of Death: 1976
Place of Death: Munich, Germany
Burial Site: (No information available)
Field of Activity
1964 Munich, her last individual exhibition
(No more information available)
Collections In Which Her Works Are Found
Painting and Sculpture Museum, Istanbul
Rezan Has Museum, Istanbul
Doğan Paksoy Collection, private letters and photographs of Melek Celal Sofu
Melek Celal Sofu as Writer
Melek Celal Lampe, Le Vieux Serail des Sultans, Preface by M. Albert Gabriel of the Institute of France. Association des Amis d'Istanbul Touring et Automobile Club de Turquie, 2eme Edition, İstanbul, 1963.
Melek Lampe, Volkskunst der Türkei - Sammlung Melek Lampe im Münchner Stadtmuseum, Druck: M. Saupe & Co., im Auftrag, München 1959.
Melek Celal, Şeyh Hamdullah, İstanbul, 1948.
Melek Celal, Türk İşlemeleri, İstanbul, 1939.
Melek Celal, Reisülhattatin-Kamil Akdik, İstanbul, 1938.
İnas Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi (Academy of Fine Arts for Girls), İstanbul, guest student of Nazmi Ziya Güran.
Julian Academy, Paris, student of Louis Sue, Andre Platson and Pierre Poisson.
Contributions to Society
Melek Celal Sofu supported the establishment of a rest house for elderly people and brought about the opening of İstanbul Huzurevi in 1965.
Family and Friends
- Mother: (Information not available)
- Father: Ziya Bey
- Uncle: Kazım Bey (painter)
- Marriage:Hacı Sofu Zade Celal Bey (first marriage), Prof. Dr. Med. A. E. Lampe (second marriage, internist, collector)
- Friends: Adalet Cimcoz (gallery owner), Celile Hanım (painter), Yahya Kemal (poet), Fazıl Ahmet (poet,writer), Hamdullah Suphi (writer, politician), Celal Esat Arseven (writer, art historian, painter, member of parliament, teacher), Albert Gabriel (architect, restaurateur, art historian)
Commemorative Projects
(No information available)
Further Reading
- Esen Karadağ, Cumhuriyet dönemi kadın sanatçıların resim öğretimindeki rolü, Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Güzel sanatlar eğitmi Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Samsun 2008, http://www.belgeler.com/blg/1g5j/cumhuriyet-donemi-kadin-sanatcilarin-resim-ogretimindeki-rolu-the-role-of-women-artists-in-teaching-art-in-republic-period (Erişim 20.2.2012).
- Aslı Onat, Sofu'nun tartışılan tablosu alıcı buldu, Milliyet, 28.5. 2007, http://www.milliyet.com.tr/2007/05/28/yasam/axyas01.html (Erişim 20.2.2012).
- Meltem Yakın, Türk Resminde Melek Celal Sofu'nun Yeri ve Önemi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sanat Tarihi Bilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 2005.
- Şeker Ahmet Paşa, Halil Paşa, Melek Celal Sofu'nun, Ölüdoğa, Manzara, Portre Yağlıboya Resimlerinin Uygulamalı Restorasyon Çalışma ve Yöntemleri, Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Grafik Bölümü,Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 983
- Taha Toros, "Melak Celal", dergi.mo.org, http://dergi.mo.org.tr/dergiler/2/264/3669.pdf
- "İstanbul Huzurevi", huzurevleri.org, http://www.huzurevleri.org.tr/docs/Ressam_Melek_Celal.pdf
- Tarihçe, modadenizklubu.org, http://www.modadenizkulubu.org.tr/index.php/main/index/p/1-tarihce
Quoted sources
- See the "Further Reading" section
Source for Visual Images
The Women's Museum Istanbul is grateful to Burcu Pelvanoğlu for her support in producing the Melek Celal Sofu memorial page.
Translation into English: Çetin Alanya, Istanbul, Turkey Editing: Lynn Maichle, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA ©2012 Meral Akkent