Mari Gerekmezyan
„Like iron emerging from a furnace, just so a true artist emerges from the fires of hell."
Date of Birth: 1913
Place of Birth: Talas Village, Kayseri, Turkey
Date of Death: 1947
Place of Death: Istanbul, Turkey
Burial Site: Armenian Cemetery, Şişli, Istanbul
Field of Activity
- Bust of Prof. Neşet Ömer (1943)
- Bust of Prof. Şekip Tunç (1943)
- Bust of Şekip Tunç (1943)
- Mask of Patrik Mesrob Tin (1944)
- Bust of Yahya Kemal Beyatlı (1945)
- Bust of Bedri Rahmi
Collections In Which Her Works Are Found
Resim ve Heykel Müzesi,İstanbul (Museum of Painting and Sculpture) (a registered work)
Private Collection of the Eyüboğlu Family (bust of Bedri Rahmi)
Educator Meri Gerekmezyan
Getronagan High School, Istanbul, Esayan High School, Istanbul: Art and Armenian language instruction
Arti Girtaran Primary School, Istanbul: Art and Armenian language instruction
Ankara Sculpture Exhibit Awards - Busts of Professor Neşet Omer and Professor Şekip Tunç
First Place Award at the Ankara Government Fine Arts Exhibit - Bust of Yahya Kemal Beyatlı
Vart Basrig Primary School, Talas, Kayseri
Esayan High School, Istanbul
1943 University of Istanbul, Faculty of Literature, Philosophy Department, Istanbul
Guest Student of the Sculpture Department, Academy of Fine Arts, Istanbul
Contributions to Society
Family and Friends
- Mother: (Information not available)
- Father: (Information not available)
- Marriage:Fred Gross
- Friends: Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu (artist), Berç Çalıkman (artist)
Commemorative Projects
Yüzyılın Aşkları: Eren & Bedri Rahmi (Loves of the Century: Eren & Bedri Rahmi), Documentary, 38 minutes, (in turkish language) http://www.candundar.com.tr/old/index.php?Did=2144Further Reading
- Karin Karakaşlı, Can Kırıkları, Istanbul, 2002
- "Karin'in kırıkları tene batacak", 22.10. 2002, Milliyet Kültür ve Sanat, http://www.milliyet.com.tr/2002/10/22/sanat/san03.html (18.2.2012).
- Nejla Akgökçe, "Kadın gibi kadın olmaya çalışıyorum", Petrol-İş kadın Dergisi, No.4, 4.8.2003, http://arsiv.petrol-is.org.tr/kadin/html/sayi4/icindekiler.htm (18.2.2012).
- Gülenay Börekçi, "Türkiye'nin Camille Claudel'i", haberturk.com, 15. 12. 2012, http://www.haberturk.com/yasam/haber/803634-turkiyenin-camille-claudeli (18.12.2012)
- "Güzel Sanatlar", bolsohays.com, http://www.bolsohays.com/haberdetay-129655/guzel-sanatlar.html (18.2.2012) ...
Quoted Sources
- See the "Further Reading" section
- Karin Karakaşlı private archive
Source of Visual Images
- Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi and Bilgi Merkezi, İstanbul
- http://www.itusozluk.com/image/mari-gerekmezyan_73933.jpg
The Women's Museum Istanbul is grateful to Karin Karakaşlı for her support in producing the Mari Gerekmezyan memorial page.
Translation into English: Çetin Alanya, Istanbul, Turkey Editing: Lynn Maichle, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA ©2012 Meral Akkent