Belkıs Mustafa
First muslim woman painter to earn a degree in painting from Akademie of Fine Arts in 1917
"I will only sign my best work"
Date of Birth: 1896
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Date of Death: 29/01/1925 1925
Place of Death: Berlin, Germany
Burial Site: Tempelhof Turkish Memorial Cemetary, Berlin
Field of Activity
Belkis Mustafa is the first muslim woman to earn a degree in painting from Akademie of Fine Arts in 1917.
First woman painter to study abroad on a goverment scholarship
Belkis Mustafa went to Germany to study arts first in 1917- 1921, and then in 1924. She was the first woman painter to study abroad with Ministry of Education's sponsorship.
First woman and muslim to draw female nude in her paintings
- 1922 Fifth Galatasaray Exhibition, Istanbul
- 1923Sixth Galatasaray Exhibition, Istanbul Belkıs Mustafa joined the exhibition with "Portrait of a Lady", "Old Man" and "Woman in Veil".
- March 3, 1987 Destek Art Galery (first solo exhibit), Istanbul
- Nov 4-8, 1988"Woman Painters in the beginning of the Turkish Republik" , 14th Istanbul Antique and Art Expo, Istanbul
- November 2005 dem-art gallery (an exhibition to celebrate the memory of Belkıs Mustafa), Istanbul
The Galatasaray Exhibitions are the first traditional exhibits which took place between 1916 and 1951 first at the dormitory of the Galatasaray Highschool and then in the school (Galatasaray Lisesi). At the Galatasaray Exhibits, which were sponsored by the Ottoman Painters Association, six thousand works by 350 artists were displayed in nearly 35 years.
(No information available)
(No information available)
İnas Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi (Kadınlar için Güzel Sanatlar Okulu)
Belkis Mustafa is the first muslim woman to recieve a diploma from the School of Fine Arts. Her teachers at the workshop were Mihri Müşfik and, briefly, Ali Sami Boyar.
Contributions to Society
(No information available)
Family and Friends
- Mother: (No information available)
- Father: (No information available)
- Brother: Asım Mutlu (architect, academician)
- Friends: Mihri Hanım (painter, founder of the School of the Arts), Nazlı Ecevit (painter)
Commemorative Projects
Exhibition In Her Memory
dem-art Art Gallery, Istanbul organised 2005 an exhibition to celebrate the memory of Belkıs Mustafa.Further Reading
- Esen Karadağ, Cumhuriyet Dönemi kadın sanatçıların resim öğretimindeki rolü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Samsun, 2008, http://www.belgeler.com/blg/1g5j/cumhuriyet-donemi-kadin-sanatcilarin-resim-ogretimindeki-rolu-the-role-of-women-artists-in-teaching-art-in-republic-period.
- Şeyda Üstünipek, "Belkıs Mustafa'nın Yaşamı Ve Sanat Eğitimi", Lebriz Sanal Dergi, 16.3.2006.
- Fatma Ürekli, "Güzel Sanatlar Eğitiminde Osmanlı Hanımlarına Açılan Bir Pencere: İnas Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi", Tarih ve Toplum, . IXL/231, Mart, 2003, pp. 50-60.
- Banu Paşalıoğlu, İnas Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi ve Mezunları, Marmara Universitesi, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsu, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 1996.
- Taha Toros, İlk Kadın Ressamlarımız, İstanbul, 1988.
- Asım Mutlu, "Ressam Belkıs Mustafa'nın Yaşamı ve Onun desenleri İle Yakın Çevresinden Bir Kesit", Sanat Dergisi, Nr: 101, 1987.
- Asım Mutlu, "Belkıs Mustafa", Sanat Dünyamız, Nr: 33, 1985.
- Cavidan Göksoy, İnas Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebinde Yetişen Kadın Ressamlarımız, MSU, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 1985.
Quoted Sources
- · See the "Further Reading" section
Source for Visual Images
- Şeyda Üstünipek, "Belkıs Mustafa'nın Yaşamı Ve Sanat Eğitimi", Lebriz Sanal Dergi, 16.3.2006.
The Women's Museum Istanbul is grateful to Burcu Pelvanoğlu for her support in producing the Belkıs Mustafa memorial page.
Translation into English: Emre Aslay, Chicago İllinois, USA Editing: ©2012 Meral Akkent