Ayşe Tütüncü
"My work has a lot to do with jazz. But it also has a lot to do with other things."
Date of Birth: 1960 1960
Place of Birth: Adana, Turkey
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Burial Site:
Field of Activity
"Apart from my interest first in rock and then in jazz, my ears are always open to the land on which we live and to the music of all the neighbouring lands. In fact what I do is nothing more than combining all the things I love. There is a piece called "Pasajlar"(Passages) we play a lot in concerts. This piece is made of four parts. The first part is a Monteverdi quotation, the second is a Kurdish melody, the third is my song "Lidyalı kadın" (Lydian Woman) and the last is a part resembling Caucasian rhythm.(…). In this piece, everyone finds something they can relate to for themselves and others."
(Ayşe Tütüncü)
Musical Samples of the Ayşe Tütüncü Trio
- Ayşe Tütüncü introduces you to her music
- Ayşe Tütüncü Trio "Passages"
- Ayşe Tütüncü Trio "Panayır," "Fairground"
- Ayşe Tütüncü Piano and Percussion Group, "Seven Earths, Seven Skies"
- Ayşe Tütüncü, Letter to Crete
- Ölümden Önce Bir Hayat Vardır, Mozaik '83, Ada Müzik, 1993
- Ardından, Ada Müzik, 1985
- Çook Alametler Belirdi, Ada Müzik, 1988
- Plastik Aşk, Piccatura, 1990
- Vapurlar, Film müziği, ADA Müzik, 1990
- Çeşitlemeler, ADA Müzik, 1999
- Panayır, EMI / Blue Note, 2005
(No information available)
(No information available)
Conservatory, Piano Department, Istanbul
Contributions to Society
The Women's Songs Project
Ayşe Tütüncü organised a concert programme where she sang "women's songs" with singer Sumru Ağıryürüyen.
Involvement in Environmental and Urban Life Quality
Through her music, Ayşe Tütüncü is supporting the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on environmental problems, human rights and improving urban life quality.
Family and Friends
Projects in her Honour
Ayşe Tütüncü web site: http://www.aysetutuncu.com/
KÜLLİYAT (1983-1995), ADA Müzik, 2014Further Reading
- "Ayşe Tütüncü ve Emin İgüs'le", sol.org, 14.8.2006, http://arsiv.sol.org.tr/index.php?yazino=2339 (Erişim 28.2.2012).
- Gottfried Schalow, "Die Türkei erobert die Oper in Halle – Ayse Tütüncü bei Women in Jazz", nmz online, 9.2.2012,
http://www.nmz.de/online/die-tuerkei-erobert-die-oper-in-halle-ayse-tuetuencue-bei-women-in-jazz (Erişim 28.2.2012). - Rüdiger Schetag, Ayse Tütüncü @ women in jazz 2012, 9.2.2012
http://ruedigerschestag.wordpress.com/2012/02/09/ayse-tutuncu-women-in-jazz/ (Erişim 28.2.2012). - Oktay Güney, "Bütün Ezgileri Kucaklayan Piyanist: Ayşe Tütüncü", USIAD Bildiren Dergisi, 28.1.2010,
http://oktayguney.blogspot.com/2010/01/butun-ezgileri-kucaklayan-piyanist-ayse.html (28.2.2012). - Gökdemir İhsan, Ayşe Tütüncü Röportajı, N'aber 19.11.2009, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S4swcnTNT8&feature=endscreen&NR=1 (28.2.2012).
- "Ayşe Tütüncü", wikipedia.com, http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayşe_Tütüncü
Quoted souces:
- Ayşe Tütüncü web sayfası: http://www.aysetutuncu.com/
- Oktay Güney, "Bütün Ezgileri Kucaklayan Piyanist: Ayşe Tütüncü", USIAD Bildiren Dergisi, 28.1.2010,
http://oktayguney.blogspot.com/2010/01/butun-ezgileri-kucaklayan-piyanist-ayse.html (28.2.2012).
Source for visual images:
- Ayşe Tütüncü web site: http://www.aysetutuncu.com/
Translation into English: Çetin Alanya, Istanbul, Turkey Editing: Lynn Maichle, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA ©2012 Meral Akkent