Aylin Aslım
"They say my songs are written through women's eyes; alright, should I write through men's eyes instead?
Date of Birth: 14/02/1976 1976
Place of Birth: Lich, Germany
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Burial Site:
Field of Activity
„The majority of the population does not like people who are political. After my second album, some female journalists wrote that I was dabbling to much in feminism. They said my songs were written through women's eyes; should I write through men's eyes instead? If something is happening before our eyes, we are obliged to respond. Doing otherwise would be very strange.
In general, the male hegemony, in Turkey as well as all over the world has achieved this one thing: portraying feminists as unattractive, aggressive losers. Fighting for one's rights is still uncommon. They say and believe that feminist attitudes are very inappropriate. They believe we cannot achieve positive results in overall public opinion. But in spite of all this, we see a positive reaction from the majority.
Women act like men when elected to parliement. And that is useless. But they cannot survive in that environment otherwise. Men make the decisions. They rule the country and the family. And they are the ones who rape women."
(Aylin Aslım)
Murat Meriç "Ben de uzaydan bildirmiyorum ki", Radikal 6.12.2008.
Aylin Aslim is inspired by 90's feminist punk trend Riot Grrrl. With the direction that art is taking, she writes songs about women's existence in the society today as they struggle to overcome barriers.
Bands established by Aylin Aslim
1996 Zeytin
1998 Süpersonik
2005 Aylin Aslım ve Tayfası (Ayşe Özgümüş, guitar, Ayça Sarıgül, bas)
Albums by Aylin Aslim
- 2000 Gelgit (Power Records)
- 2005 Gulyabani (Pasaj Müzik) (Gulyabani şarkısı için bkz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hFt1V57LW4)
- 2006 Gelgit (Pasaj Müzik)
- 2009 Canını Seven Kaçsın (Sony Music-SMEI)
The song "Senin Gibi" from her first album appeared in Fatih Akin's film "Head-On (original Name: Gegen die Wand". And the song " Keşke" was used in Kutlu Ataman's film "İki Genç Kız" (two girls) written by Perihan Magden.
- 1998 Roxy Muzik Gunleri – second place, Turkey
- 1999 Roxy Musik Gunleri – winner of the Jury's special award, Turkey
Beşiktaş Atatürk Anadolu Kız Lisesi, Istanbul
Contributions to Society
"I always support and work with the people and causes that I care about; such as women`s shelter in Istanbul Mor Cati's efforts against violence in the family."
(Aylin Aslım)
Senem Aydın, Kendi Aşklarımı Yazmaktan Sıkıldım, Milliyet, 27 Ağustos 2011.
Aylin Aslım – Activist Against War
In 2003, Aylin Aslım joined the project " No Need for War" with 14 other musicians against the Coalition Forces' attempt to invade Iraq on the grounds of alleged weapons of mass destruction. She also actively supports many other peace projects and participates in rallies against global warming.
Family and Friends
Projects in her Honour
Aylin Aslim's official MySpace page http://www.myspace.com/aylinaslim
Aylin Aslim's official Twitter page http://twitter.com/aylinaslim
Aylin Aslim's official web page http://www.aylinaslim.net/
Aylin Aslim's official Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/aylinaslimfan
Further Reading
Senem Aydın, Kendi aşklarımı yazmaktan sıkıldım, Milliyet, 27.8. 2011,
Yasemin Öz, "Güldünya Şarkıları'na Feminist Bir Dinleyici Yorumu", Biamag, 13.12.2008,
Emel Armutçu, "Aile İçi Şiddet Acil Yardım Hattı", Hürriyet, 27.1.2008,
Murat Meriç "Ben de uzaydan bildirmiyorum ki", Radikal, 6.12.2008
Güldünya Albümü için basın bülteni, "En güçlü sesler en güçsüzler için söyledi", Hürriyet,
Barışa Rock projesi için bkz: "Barışarock için bir toplu iğne de siz verin!" Radikal, 24.8.2007,
Güldünya'nın şarkısı da yasak, Hürriyet, 30.7. 2007, http://hurarsiv.hurriyet.com.tr/goster/printnews.aspx?DocID=6988330
Quoted Sources
- See the "Further Reading" section
- Senem Aydın, Kendi Aşklarımı Yazmaktan Sıkıldım, Milliyet, 27 Ağustos 2011.
- Murat Meriç "Ben de uzaydan bildirmiyorum ki", Radikal 6.12.2008.
Source of Visual Images
- Privat archive of Aylin Aslım
Translation into English: Emre Aslay, Chicago Illinois, USA Editing: Lynn Maichle, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA ©2012 Meral Akkent