Adile Sultan
"I am a Dervish. I am my own sultan."
Date of Birth: 01/06/1826 1826
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Date of Death: 12/02/1898 1898
Place of Death: Istanbul
Burial Site: Mehmet Ali Paşa Tomb in Bostan İskelesi Sokağı, Eyüp, Istanbul
Field of Activity
Adile Sultan is the first woman poet to compile a Diwan (collection of poems). There are more than 2000 verses in her Diwan. She died before it was published. Her poems reflect the life and times of her era. An annotated edition of Adile Sultan's Diwan was published by Hikmet Ozdemir on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Ankara.
Historical writings
Adile Sultan wrote historical pieces about the administrative management of the Palace, the state management, her father Sultan Mahmut II (reign 1808-1839), her mother Zenigar Sultan, and her brother Sultan Abdulmecid (reign 1839-1861).
Published work
Adile Sultan edited and published the Diwan of her tenth grandfather, Suleyman the Magnificent (reign 1520-1566).
Contributions to Society
The Adile Sultan Foundation
Adile Sultan founded this foundation to promote education and social aid. More information on the Adile Sultan Foundation can be found at the Rare Relics Library's Turkish Manuscripts Department at Istanbul University (Reg.nr. 4993) in Istanbul.
The Adile Sultan mansion and the woods that surround it currently serve as a teachers' hospital.
The palace of Adile Sultan in Findikli was used in 1920 for the first National Assembly. Between 1953-1970 the building served as the Girls High School and after 1970 the building was given to the Academy of Fine Arts.
Buildings for the the public interest
Through Adile Sultan's efforts schools were repaired, new ones were built and solutions for the city's water problems were found. Some of her projects are located in Istanbul: the Adile Sultan Children's School in the Gul Mosque; the School of the Galata Arab Mosque; the school at Anadoluhisari; the fountain at the Arab Mosque; the cistern of Bedevi Dergahi; and the Adile Sultan Fountain at Laleli.
After her daughter's death from tuberculosis, she built the Validebağ Sanatorium in Istanbul in her memory.
The Adile Sultan Palace
In 1868 Adile Sultan donated her summer palace, built in 1861 by the architect Sarkis Balyan, to the Ministry of Public Education for a girls' school. In 1916 due to Selma Rıza Feraceli's initiative, this building became the first girls' boarding school.
The school building served as a children's orphanage during the War of Independence and after the proclamation of the Republic it became a sanatorium for teachers and students alike. Later it became a teachers' hotel and cultural center. More recently, it was reconstructed to become a concert hall by the Foundation of the Kandilli Girls School. It is located at Kandilli Mahallesi, Vaniköy Caddesi No.12, Vaniköy-Üsküdar.
Family and Friends
- Mother: Zenigar Sultan
- Father: Sultan Mahmut II. (reign1808-1839)
- Brothers: Sultan Abdülmecid I. (reign 1839-1861), Abdülaziz (reign 1861-1876)
- Marriage: Mehmet Ali Paşa (Admiral, Prime Minister)
Commemorative Projects
Music albums
A compilation album dedicated to Adile Sultan: Dr. Emre Aracı, Boğaziçi Mehtaplarında Sultan Portreleri, Kalan Müzik, İstanbul 2007.
Adile Sultan Palace
Adres: Kandilli Mahallesi. Vaniköy Caddesi No:12, Vaniköy-Üsküdar 34684 İstanbul
Web seit: http://www.kankev.org/?s=saray&PHPSESSID=1f002f00a8907f2784b0fd757fb635d6
Further Reading
Serkan Alkan İspirli, Osmanlı kadınının şiiri, Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, V.2/4, 2007, http://www.turkishstudies.net/sayilar/sayi6/30alkanispirliserhan.pdf (access 27.2.2012).
Olcay Kolçak, Adile Sultan, Kastaş Yayınları, İstanbul, 2005.
Nilüfer Yılmaz, Adile Sultan Divanı'nda dini-tasavvufî unsurlar, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2002.
Ferda Mazak, Ölümünün 100. yılında Sultan II. Mahmut'un kızı Adile Sultan: hayatı vakıfları ve hayratı, Çamlıca Kültür ve Yardım Vakfı Yayını, No.1, İstanbul, 2000.
Hikmet Özdemir (der.) Adile Sultan Divanı, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara, 1996.
Quoted Sources:
- Serkan Alkan İspirli, "Osmanlı kadınının şiiri", Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, V.2/4, 2007, http://www.turkishstudies.net/sayilar/sayi6/30alkanispirliserhan.pdf (access 27.2.2012).
- Ferda Mazak, Ölümünün 100. yılında Sultan II. Mahmut'un kızı Adile Sultan: hayatı vakıfları ve hayratı, Çamlıca Kültür ve Yardım Vakfı Yayını, No.1, İstanbul, 2000.
Source of Visual Images:
Translation into English: Emre Aslay, Chicago Illinois, USA Editing: Susan Strane, Chilmark, Massachusetts, USA ©2012 Meral Akkent